Sunday, July 8, 2012

Adjust Your Sails

Living in a small, midwestern town has allowed me to become friends with many people whose livelihood relies on rain. As one of my favorite country songs says "Rain is a Good Thing!"

We have had a ridiculous drought lately, threatening my favorite Fourth of July tradition (luckily, our town did not end up canceling the fireworks!) and has subsequently turned the 'grass' to something more akin to hay. Today it rained and it rained hard... for the first time since summer began. I had almost forgotten the beauty of it all.
When I racked my brain to try to find something inspirational to say about the rain, I came up with something very mild and mediocre. Then once I searched the internet with some pictures to go along with my post I found this and immediately fell madly in love. 

Of course I still found many other sayings and images that I love almost as much. Here are some that spoke to me. 

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